
Types of audio compressors
Types of audio compressors

types of audio compressors

The level of the incoming signal is converted into light using a light bulb or an LED and then detected by the photocell/LDR. This circuit uses a light source and a photocell (phototransistor) or LDR (light dependent resistor). These are all optional settings in Logic’s own compressor plugin which is to be used for demonstration purposes. Following is a brief explanation of three circuit types – Opto, VCA and FET. There are many types, however it wouldn’t be practical to explain them all now. One major factor of the behaviour, or character if you will, of an analogue compressor is the type of circuit it uses to determine the amount of attenuation with respect to the incoming signal. Most digital compressors (plugins) are copies of the way analogue compressors behave. With an analogue compressor, there must be a circuit that detects the level of the incoming signal, which in return gives instruction to attenuate the signal having exceeded a given threshold.

types of audio compressors

With a compressor plugin, you’re likely to have the option of choosing the circuit type which will have an effect on the way the compressor sounds.

types of audio compressors

Before we get to using the compressor, it’s worth briefly covering the subject of circuit types.

Types of audio compressors